Dean Carey:
Personal performance coach
High-quality training for actors, directors and theatre teachers
Dean Carey offers personalised training for actors, directors and theatre teachers driven by his vast experience and insights into the craft. With over four decades of experience behind him, he can take your performance in any field to an entirely new level.
“The Art of Teaching Acting”
WHAT do actors need to learn at this precise moment?
WHY do they need to learn it at this precise moment?
HOW best can I provide them with the most beneficial practical experience and deepest level of understanding?
In Dean Carey you have a teacher who knows everything about acting. Dean has inspired me for 21 years and I’m forever grateful. Bravo Dean, and from one of your many students, THANK YOU!
Dean’s vision is inspiring and his enthusiasm infectious. I could not be happier that through his dedication and the talent of his team, ACA has been so successful.
I stood between David Wenham and Claudia Karvan and they agreed that the show they’d just witnessed… was what theatre can and should be.
Dean Carey’s Audition Manuals are so good that I’ve heard they are very hard to keep hold of. How lucky are the students at Actors Centre Australia to have a teacher of such experience and passion.
Your knowledge has been an invaluable part of my process as an actor. The vigour and passion you have inspired in me is what fuels me. You are a remarkable man and teacher.
One of the most profound and inspirational motivations in my future career.
Thanks to Dean … for unlocking that child within and allowing him to surface.